Three major terms that get thrown around like confetti between social media and therapy sessions. What are they? How are they different and when are they useful? This article will be written in three parts, each “self-term” deserves special attention, today we will look at self-care.
Self-care has been a popular trend for a while now. There are so many options, and at times can feel like impossible tasks either for lack of time or money. Between Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, you find bath bombs, wine glasses and chocolate cake. But is that really self-care? Well sometimes yes, but mostly no. Self-care means doing the things we know are healthy and will give us a better life in the immediate and distant future.
Self-care is learning to say no to unhealthy choices more often, exercising (of any kind, no gym shamming!), cooking healthy(er) foods (everything in moderation, even the healthy stuff), spending time with friends/family but also getting sleep and working towards goals for a career/school.
Self-care means you are taking time to learn strategies to help decompress throughout your day AND at the end of it. Placing healthy boundaries with work, family and friends.
Self-care is getting to know yourself. What are the first signs that you are starting to become overwhelmed and stressed? What are the steps that help you to reduce that?
Essentially, self-care is a plan that you use every day to make sure you have a good balance in your life.